Ep 0013 Multiplanarverse…fitness or next blockbuster?

Emilee and Becky discuss the importance of balance and multiplanar training in a fitness program. This conversation trickles into a snowball. They also discuss a very controversial topic: is diet coke bad for you? Then they end up talking about the Rock again, because, really, when aren’t we all thinking about the Rock.

Ep 0012, Measuring success…in land miles or nautical miles?

Emilee and Becky consider how to measure success. They really want you to stay in your lane. Becky tells us how she really feels on an airplane and Emilee gives us an alternative spelling for goal. And they both wonder if we can measure success with birthday cupcakes…because that feels like it should be a thing. And they are here for that.

Ep. 0011 Kickstart my Heart..and maybe other things Motley Crue said…but probably not.

Finally! The episode Emilee and Becky are qualified to talk about! How to get motivated to get back into fitness and how to start a program as a newbie! Emilee finds her PORPOISE, Becky’s spirit animal is Emilee’s dad, and we’ll cross that bridge when we get to the bridge. So much good advice in this episode!

Ep 0010 Meal Prep with Pep!

Emilee and Becky discourse about meal prep! It’s a real ‘will they or won’t they’. (they will). Becky leaves in a part she probably should have edited about Emilee’s new drug problem. Then, Emilee and Becky interview each other with some profound questions. We learn secret talents, pet peeves, and maybe a secret passion!! Finally, the gals take on some listener questions. It’s non-stop and action packed!