Ep. 0050 Treat yo self…to a nutritious snack.

Emilee and Becky talk about sneaky snacks that might be sabotaging your efforts to eat well. Emilee makes an important PSA to all the Karens out there. She’s also still living that gas station life and wearing whore red lipstick and Becky will never stop victim blaming her for that. Also, Emilee informs us that she has a catch phrase! Becky says “beat feet”, she talks about her pepper spray pocket, she quotes George W Bush, but Emilee is too young to remember, and she admits to a cereal problem. But through all of that, Emilee and Becky are giving you golden nuggets to outsmart the marketing of living in this time of ultra-convenience. We know you want to eat well, so we tell you what to avoid and how to set up your day for success. Then we get into our motivational speaking mode (some might call it preachy) for just a moment near the end. Learn what we really think today.

Ep. 0049 But Did You Die? Fear Less.

Becky and Emilee talk about conquering your fears! If we never overcome our fears, we will never achieve our full potential.
Emilee has to say “no Chapero” once again. Becky has 99 problems but her website ain’t oneā€¦.for now. Becky is in a Goggins seaon of her life, Emilee knows that all magic comes with a price, and if we are being honest, gettting started on this topic was kind of a hot mess itself. But, hang in there, they find their groove. Groove is in the heart, after all. Emilee reads a Nelson Mandela quote, that turns out was not spoken by Nelson Mandela, but is a great quote nonetheless. It is a quote from Marianne Williamson’s book, “A return to love: Refelctions on the principles of a course in miracles
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, “who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and famous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God, Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Interview with Kara! (No, its not numbered!)

Emilee and Becky conduct another interview!! They interview Kara! Kara’s hotmess is that she doesn’t know what a hot mess is! They also get to teach her what a “keep it in your pants” is, but she catches on quickly. Kara takes a deep dive into vulnerability and rawness to share her story with you. The courage she has is undeniable. She is a mother of dragons, rising from the ashes to take on the world! She uses some fun terms, such as “boom sauce” and “rapey van”. There are more explicit fun ones, but you’ll have to listen to find out. She recommends a book..The Cover Passive Aggressive Narcissist. Make sure to check out all the amazing stuff she’s into now at her website:

Follow her on all social media platforms at:
The Naptown Yogi

Ep. 0048 God, beer me the strength…benefits of strength training

Emilee and Becky nerd out about Strength Training. They accept and acknowledge that they are gym geeks. But before they get to that, Emilee had THREE hotmesses to share. Emilee avoided getting murdered by an uber driver. Becky needs calender and time management skills, and Emilee just says no, Chapero. Then they get to the good stuff. They tell you all the ways your body loves it when you lift weights. The ascetics are just the tip of the iceberg, go under the water today to understand all the giant mass of benefits you reap. Becky drops a big pun, not the rapper, that makes Emilee groan. Then they wrap it up by getting really amped at the prospect of YOU getting strong. Join them in the excitement of today’s episode.