Ep. 0047 Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope…for Earth

Emilee and Becky get real about the Environment. We don’t want you to feel hopeless so we talk about some things that we all can do to make effective changes. Emilee brings the FACTS this episode!! Emilee starts a new corner, and she might need to seek therapy about it. Becky victim blames Emilee. Also, Becky describes a very nice man she “runs into” . We really want you to listen to today’s episode. It might literally be the most important one we’ve done to date. Bring an open mind and heart for today’s epidosde.

Ep. 0046 Can I get an OM yeah? Benefits of Meditation

Emilee is back from London! She had new experiences and learned to be polite, yet firm. We find out that Applebee’s is not Becky’s favorite restaurant. Emilee puts coffee before all else. Emilee quotes Nelson Mandela and Tony Robbins to get you inspired to meditate! Becky lists all of the facts, as she loves doing and we all learn that there are many different types of meditation! This podcast teaches you, the listener, and Becky and Emilee the so-called life coaches, something new every week! Meditation has so many benefits, we hope this convinces you to give it a go. And if not, we hope you at least enjoy our attempt to brainwash you. Listen all the way to the end to hear Becky and Emilee get super philosophical. It was bound to happen in this episode. Enjoy the episode and tell your friends!

Ep. 0045 Kickstarting your fitness! A Repost.

Yes, it is a repost, BUT its still great advice. And this is the time to do it! Summer bodies are made in the winter! Also, and more importantly, exercise is good for you. We tell you how to get motivated to get back into fitness and how to start a program as a newbie. This is back before we had a “keep it in your pants” corner, so enjoy one of our early episodes! Becky and Emilee actually know what they are talking about in this one!

Ep. 0044 #Body Goals, or any goals, really.

New Year’s Resolution are so hot right now! Emilee and Becky give you the smart way to get to your goals. Becky and Emilee agree that flip cup is a great time, Becky was born ready, you can call Emilee Barbie, and Emilee cannot pronounce the word specificity. Listening to these podcasters stumble over their words is always inspiring. See if you catch the new thing at the end that Becky is patting herself on the back about. By the end of this podcast, you’ll be making all your wildest dreams come true. It’s a must listen!