Ep. 0016 Breaking Bad…habits…channel your inner jessie pink man

Becky and Emilee tell you how to break bad habits!! There are a lot of Game of Thrones references, but don’t worry, NO SPOILERS! Becky thinks this episode is all about her and her MANY hotmesses. Also, congratulate her because she’s recently been promoted to CEO. Emilee has feelings about making cake pops. Also, we find out she sleep walks to the snack cabinet. Sapouse is a new word that means spouse support. Use it in your day. And just when you think the episode is over, Becky and Emilee go on a cake tirade. We are sure to fix all of your bad habits in this episode! Listen immediately!

Ep. 0015 HIIT training…we don’t hit! (in your best Mom voice)…but sometimes we do.

Emilee and Becky tell you the pros and cons of HIIT training, and how to properly add it to your program. They give you an outline for the ideal week of training. This is trainer gold. Emilee is considering picking up drinking when her family is around, she drops some sound car metaphors, she squats 175, has never been in a lululemon store and gets Becky’s Bambi references. Becky loves being an old strong person, got hit on this week, denies shopping at lululemon, but then tells on herself, and apparently makes Bambi references. We discuss the best things to wear while working out, which mostly don’t include white pants. So much to learn in today’s episode!

Ep 0014 Entrenched in your own thoughts

Emilee and Becky talk about how we identify ourselves with our thoughts. Can we be open to hearing another side of things. Can we think critically about the things we’ve always held to be true? Not an easy task, are you up to it?
Free your mind, and the rest will follow! Be color blind, don’t be so shallow. -En Vogue

Carole’s interview-take 2

Emilee and Becky interview Carole! Carole gives some tips on how to get your life organized. We stumble into our first ever theme of a show, and it will shock you. There is also a surprise silent guest. Emilee and Becky have their mind’s blown with the level of thought, preparation and LISTS that are suggested. This episode will leave you laughing, showering, and getting your life together!

Carole’s interview

Emilee and Becky interview Carole! Carole gives some tips on how to get your life organized. We stumble into our first ever theme of a show, and it will shock you. There is also a surprise silent guest. Emilee and Becky have their mind’s blown with the level of thought, preparation and LISTS that are suggested. This episode will leave you laughing, showering, and getting your life together!