Ep. 0043 Podcasting for Dummies, Hot Messes and Hot Successes: The Year in Review

Emilee and Becky examine the last year of podcasting. They give you the behind the scenes stories about the episodes. Sometimes they talk about it like they weren’t there! We say “bullet pudding” and “condom bomb”, these are not things you hear on any old podcast. Becky declares Emilee a witch, Emilee hopes to someday return to the Starbucks with the hot teenager that she hit on, and we want you to drink everytime they say Soapbox! We like to provide drinking games at every opportunity. We have truly loved putting this podcast out for you week after week. We end with a little mushiness and vulnerability. You see who’s better at it…Enjoy this last podcast of 2019!

Ep. 0042 I will Survive…the Holidays..

Tis the Season to exploit the season!! We jumped on the bandwagon today for a holiday episode. Emilee’s keep it in your pants is Becky’s behavior. Becky is trying too hard to fit in with the Roughtons with her big legs. Emilee is embracing her new curvy body. The gals spend a lot of time telling you not to indulge in the holiday treats after they’ve talked about not one, but TWO different types of holiday oreo knock-offs Becky has purchased. And eaten. Then we reiterate that food doesn’t control you. We share some holiday traditions and Becky accidentally hits a nerve and starts yelling at all Dads. Its a real barn burner. Let this episode get you in the spirit…cabinet…

Ep. 0041 Making A Big Life Change

Emilee and Becky are going through some major life modifications, so they wanted to talk about the steps of making large-scale changes. This episode has trapeze analogies, chemistry analogies, we each identify as one of the seven dwarves, and somehow it takes us an entire hour before we sing Let it Go. If you’re looking for a fun game, drink every time we say “Seasons”. Becky doesn’t want you to have a gas station life, Emilee can’t stop getting hit on, and of course, there is homework. If you are considering making a big change in your life, this is the epidsode for you! (or even if you aren’t, check it out anyway)

Ep. 0040 Judgements..Be Nice!!!

Becky and Emilee discuss the detriment of judgement in this week’s episode. They also find out you have to try on different swimsuits before you go to the beach, Emilee considers a Red Bull intervention, Becky just says no, and they both want you to be nice. Listen this week to learn how to identify the judgements that constantly run through your head about yourself and others. Live in a joyful, judgement free zone…Planet Fitness may be on to something…