Ep. 0027 Physical Transformation and its affect on you and yours.

Emilee and Becky are back to talk about physical transformations and all the psychology that goes with it. Becky sings Beyonce, Emilee drops a bomb, they are both obsessed with pretty hamstrings and tell you way too much about themselves for the sake of letting you know that we are all going through the same stuff. Just when you thought you knew everything there was to know about them, they tell you more! Tune in to find out some surprising things that can happen when you make serious changes in your life.

Ep. 0026 NEAT-Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis….it means no worries, for the rest of your days…

Clean your room!! Not that kind of neat. But seriously, Emilee needs to clean her room. Becky finds a new skill she is #killing! We find out that Becky and Emilee share something in common…their unwillingness to make multiple trips when taking groceries inside…”One trip Becky”. We also find out how to burn calories without working out!! Listen to find out that miracle advice. I mean, what would you do without us, really.