Ep. 0046 Can I get an OM yeah? Benefits of Meditation

Emilee is back from London! She had new experiences and learned to be polite, yet firm. We find out that Applebee’s is not Becky’s favorite restaurant. Emilee puts coffee before all else. Emilee quotes Nelson Mandela and Tony Robbins to get you inspired to meditate! Becky lists all of the facts, as she loves doing and we all learn that there are many different types of meditation! This podcast teaches you, the listener, and Becky and Emilee the so-called life coaches, something new every week! Meditation has so many benefits, we hope this convinces you to give it a go. And if not, we hope you at least enjoy our attempt to brainwash you. Listen all the way to the end to hear Becky and Emilee get super philosophical. It was bound to happen in this episode. Enjoy the episode and tell your friends!