Ep. 0050 Treat yo self…to a nutritious snack.

Emilee and Becky talk about sneaky snacks that might be sabotaging your efforts to eat well. Emilee makes an important PSA to all the Karens out there. She’s also still living that gas station life and wearing whore red lipstick and Becky will never stop victim blaming her for that. Also, Emilee informs us that she has a catch phrase! Becky says “beat feet”, she talks about her pepper spray pocket, she quotes George W Bush, but Emilee is too young to remember, and she admits to a cereal problem. But through all of that, Emilee and Becky are giving you golden nuggets to outsmart the marketing of living in this time of ultra-convenience. We know you want to eat well, so we tell you what to avoid and how to set up your day for success. Then we get into our motivational speaking mode (some might call it preachy) for just a moment near the end. Learn what we really think today.