Ep. 0058 Apocalyptic “Would You Rathers”.

Becky and Emilee ask each other apocolyptic and Quarantine based “would you rather” questions. We’ve all survived 5 weeks of this quarantine, so we thought we’d celebrate with a fun episode! We also wanted to celebrate that Binx has lost 5 lbs! Becky has cooked every meal for 5 weeks and she’s ready to believe take out is ok. Emilee breaks down and gets a Starbucks. In a hotmess turn of events, we find out who actually let the dogs out. Emilee has two keep it in your pantses, and we have another listener one! We have a lot of fun with this week’s episode. We ask each other a lot of thoughtful, no-win questions. Tune in to find out which of our friends and family we’d kill and who we’d take with us. You might need to know these things.