
Ep.0029 Pros and Cons of Fitness Data Points

Becky and Emilee discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly of tracking miles, calories, heartrate, sleep, and the like. They share some hangover stories, the love of lipstick and a new corner called “deep thought” corner. Becky says “when you’re doing something healthy, don’t have an unhealthy mindset about it” and she’s very proud of herself. Check it all out in this week’s episode!

Ep 0028 Cougartown

It’s September, summer is over and its time to get your life back together! Emilee and Becky try to inspire you to get your diet, exercise, money, and job all back in working order. Becky calls the organization Toastmasters “Toastmakers” (only realized that in the editing process). Emilee gives us a new twist on the “keep it in your pants” corner…you won’t see this coming…and Becky saves a PSA for the very end. Listen all the way through to get all the great advice and inspriation to do better.

Ep. 0027 Physical Transformation and its affect on you and yours.

Emilee and Becky are back to talk about physical transformations and all the psychology that goes with it. Becky sings Beyonce, Emilee drops a bomb, they are both obsessed with pretty hamstrings and tell you way too much about themselves for the sake of letting you know that we are all going through the same stuff. Just when you thought you knew everything there was to know about them, they tell you more! Tune in to find out some surprising things that can happen when you make serious changes in your life.

Ep. 0026 NEAT-Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis….it means no worries, for the rest of your days…

Clean your room!! Not that kind of neat. But seriously, Emilee needs to clean her room. Becky finds a new skill she is #killing! We find out that Becky and Emilee share something in common…their unwillingness to make multiple trips when taking groceries inside…”One trip Becky”. We also find out how to burn calories without working out!! Listen to find out that miracle advice. I mean, what would you do without us, really.

Ep. 0025 Are We There Yet?? Tips for staying healthy on vacation!

Its summer time! Time for vacation! Emilee and Becky give you suggestions for working out and eating well on vacation. And if that is not how you like to vacation, they tell you how to get back on track after a week of gluttony. We have a Keep It In Your Pants update, we talk about ways to get exercise in in a fun vacationy way, and we get advice from Buddah. Becky gives a PSA about shots; we discuss green tea shots, car bombs, buttery nipples, and various redbull shots. And finally, at the end, Emilee shares a Forks over Knives recipe that she loved. (We will post it). Enjoy keeping it together over the summer with advice from your favorite gals.

Ep. 0024 Basic Instinct…with less Sharon Stone and more listening to your Intuition

Becky and Emilee talk about intuition and how you need to listen to your instincts. These ladies are tan and off vacation and ready to podcast again! Emilee tells you about her dog nieces, SEVERAL keep in in your pants stories, and her origin story! Becky shares a scary moment from her vacation that inspired the episode. We tell you the best way to live your life, once again, in the bossiest way.

Ep. 0023 Supplements…Vitamix it up with us!

In this Episode, Emilee and Becky discuss vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Omega 3’s, and Vitamin D supplements. We also find out that Becky is a werewolf, Emilee has peed outside more times than seems neccesary for an indoor animal, we give some sage advice to stalkers, and we educate the heck out of you!!

Ep 0022

Becky and Emilee learn how to be more present and mindful then share all of their new knowledge with you! Just sit back, relax, and let them shower you with life coaching. Emilee wants to be in a bubble, Becky is still a little confused about how to be present, but she gives you advice anyway…in true unqualified life coaching fashion.

Ep. 0021 Pre/Post Workout Meals on Wheels

Becky and Emilee start a new corner! We do the hot messes, as usual, but we add a segment! Tune in to find out what it is! Then they talk about the best way to eat before, during and after a workout. Their advice might surprise you! We need you all to tell us where the phrase “cut and dry” came from. Finally, find out if Carbs can keep it in their pants.

Ep. 20! Keep it in your pants!

Emilee and Becky take a trip down memory lane today. They recall their most embarrassing moments all for your entertainment. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED??? They also give you a full re-enactment of a meditation event they attended, Emilee never stops trying, Becky shares way too much, and we may or may not get to see a picture of Becky in a Marching Band uniform. Also, ask Emilee to recite and Edgar Allen Poe poem for you and see what choice she makes with it. So much to laugh at in today’s e